Wednesday, April 28, 2010


We've decided to try a limited number of CSA shares this season.  CSA stand for Community Supported Agriculture.  To  learn more about it and to sign up visit our website at

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Spring Planting Day

Our first planting day of the season was Saturday, April 3.  It was a windy day and the weather forcast called for rain, so we worked hard to get as much planted as we could. 
Here is Alex plowing using the Massey Ferguson.  There seemed to be some competition,
conversation about whether the Arnold's Massey or the Albert's John Deere was a better choice for the job.  Alex looks like he's doing a fine job. 

The kids helped with the planting, but they also helped by keeping busy and playing in the field when planting wasn't taking place. 
Isaac is covering some seeds that were planted.

Ava in the dirt...

Red onions